
FORTUNE DELIGHT – Herbal Beverage with Concentrated Antioxidants Fat Flushing Beverage, Nourishes the Digestive System, Refreshes and Restores
Camellia Extract, Chrysanthemum Extract, Jasmine Extract, Lalang Grass Root Extract, and Apple Juice (less than 1% as natural flavours), Lemon Extract or other natural ingredients are included, depending on the flavor.
Virtually zero calories.
Fortune Delight is the second most Alkaline product we have (Electrosport is #1).
A delightful, instant, alkaline, powdered beverage, Fortune Delight is not just chopped up plant parts, but concentrated “plant juice” from many specially-formulated herbs, including Camellia (green tea) Extract.
Fortune Delight includes all the benefits of green tea antioxidants in whole food form, plus much more!
With thousands of years of research behind Sunrider’s food combining, we can enjoy Fortune Delight as a great energy food without the caffeine effects.
This combination of herbs is based on an original Chinese formula created to help heal the internal injuries that were a result of martial arts fighting. It works on the muscles, tendons and ligaments and helps the kidneys remove toxins from the body.
Fortune Delight assists the body’s natural elimination processes, helping to remove impurities that may be stored in fat cells. Fortune Delight “moves out the fat!” Fortune Delight breaks up lactic acid in the muscles. Both Calli and Fortune Delight have been tested by gas chromatography to show the presence of important catechins, flavonoids and antioxidants! Both beverages are more than just tea!
Fortune Delight and Calli have most of the same qualities and, in most cases, are interchangeable.
Summary of Benefits
· Nourishes the entire digestive system
· Promotes assimilation of food
· Includes electrolytes for energy
· Quenches thirst – “wetter than water”
· Metabolizes stored/consumed fat/cholesterol
· Counters Candida overgrowth
· Effective against parasites
· Promotes Alkaline pH
· Provides antioxidants to fight free radicals
· Replaces water with added nutrition
· Great-tasting all-natural herbal concentrate beverage that is naturally low in calories and contains no fat, cholesterol, or artificial sweeteners
· High in refined sugars and calories
· A natural source of antioxidants that help the body to fight free radicals, which can damage cells, particularly as we age.
· Often contain caffeine, preservatives, artificial flavours and colors. Few have antioxidants to protect us from the harmful effects of free radicals.
· Unlike sugary sodas or sweetened fruit drinks, Fortune Delight beverage harmonizes with the body’s natural cleansing process.
· Not as healthy because they often contain artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Sugary products do not aid in the body’s ability to cleanse itself.
· Helps refresh and rejuvenate your body and spirit.
· May temporarily quench your thirst but high sugar drinks can often make you feel tired and sluggish after the initial sugar “high” wears off.
· Unique formulation, manufactured in Sunrider-owned facilities and under strict quality control and owner’s personal knowledge and expertise.
· Often mass produced by subcontractors who make the same product for different companies and merely slap on a different label. Quality control procedures may not be rigidly enforced.
How to Use:
· Available in 10 packs of 3 gram, or 10 packs of 20 gram, or 60 packs of 3 gram.
· Fortune Delight comes in 5 different flavours:
* Regular
* Cinnamon (especially delicious hot)
* Lemon
* Raspberry, and
* Peach (all great over ice).
· Add 1 small packet (3 grams) to 4 cups, or 1 large packet (20 grams) to 2 – 4 quarts hot or cold water or other beverage of your choice. To lessen the cleansing effect, dilute your Fortune Delight even more.
· The 3 gram packs are great for travel and introductions, while the 20-gram packs are great for family use or large gatherings.
· Great mixed with Calli (called Calli-Delight).
· When you are using the Weight Management products in the Vitalite line, it is critical that you drink 5 to 7 of the 3-gram packets daily to help flush out the excess fat.
Read about Sunrider Calli Herbal Beverage Here
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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is provided for nutrition purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment. If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.