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Diana Walker's Healthy Lifestyles
Health ~ Joy ~ Energy ~ Clear Thinking
www.diana2.com ~ Sunrider Chinese Herbs
Raw Foods Health Benefits Whole Foods

Raw Foods Health Benefits and Whole Food Nutrition

Healthy Children - Adding Raw Foods to Your Diet

Many health benefits, update 2013:

1.  Electrosport for Minerals and Hydration and instead of unhealthy Sports Drinks like Gatorade!

Hear my sons here, on this 6-minute audio:


Here is the download link if you want it:   http://tinyurl.com/2f54kc


You can see my sons here:



Raw Organic Foods – Excellent for Summer

Eating closer to nature and eating raw as much as possible is a passion of mine, and has been a life-long interest.

I’ve tried to be a totally 100% raw food person, but only lasted a few weeks or months at a time. I have concluded that it is not for me to be 100% raw. But I like to aim for at least 50% to 75% raw, especially in the summer.

Now is a terrific time to have raw fruits and vegetables, and lots of the time, that is all we want. I crave them, don’t you?

It may seem like an odd idea to eat all your food raw, but it’s really only natural.

All the animals on the planet eat raw food except for humans and those raised by humans. And those that eat cooked food tend to have a shorter lifespan and more widespread disease.

When you cook food, you get rid of a lot of the benefits it has to offer.


The most important thing humans need to live is water. Our bodies are made up of mostly water; if you are lacking nutrients, you may feel sick, but if you are lacking water, you die. Cooking foods removes a large majority of their water content, making them harder to absorb and digest and increasing the amount of water you need to drink.


Cooking food also eliminates significant amounts of protein, vitamins and other vital nutrients.


While we don’t always think of it that way, cooking is a chemical reaction. It chemically changes food and changes how good or bad it is for your body. Most of these changes make things like protein and fats harder to digest. When cooked, fats become easier for the body to store; some even become carcinogenic. When you eat things that are easier to digest, you get the energy from them faster (without expending as much) this makes you feel better overall and more lively. If your goal is to lose weight, this will not only help you lose some pounds, but give you energy to work out and burn off more.


See my information on this at:

One of the most important benefits of the raw food diet is active enzymes. Most foods in nature contain the enzymes needed to break them down. When we cook food, we destroy these enzymes. This means we have to break them down ourselves using our own digestive juices. Why is this bad? Well our enzymes aren’t as efficient as the natural ones, and our body has to work really hard to make them. This draws resources away from out immune system, causing us to be more susceptible to illness and disease. Plus, we can only produce so many in a lifetime. If we eat raw food that helps digest itself; we don’t have to draw on these resources and can actually live longer, healthier lives.


Most raw food diets include other healthy suggestions including:
1. Eating only organic food
2. Food Combining - not eating certain foods together
3. Eating sprouted grains.


While many of these diets are hard to stick to, you can try simply cutting back the amount of cooked food you eat.

Another tip is to make sure you eat one raw food with each meal, this could be as easy as adding a few RAW nuts, RAW seeds or a fresh salad or fruit to your meals. By doing this you are adding active enzymes that will help you digest the food faster.

If you want the benefits of this great lifestyle, there are many books and resources you can find to help you get started.

Of course, I have found such an easy way to eat whole, 95% raw, enzymatically-alive foods, from Sunrider as well as drinking the Calli Tea and Fortune Delight daily.

Here is the recent audio of my 2 sons – Jesse Walker and Gabe Walker – they love the Sunrider foods and beverages.


Wishing you Health & Happiness!
Diana Walker, Cravings Coach
Diana's Healthy Lifestyles

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