White sugar is so altered from its original plant form that it is actually a drug.
Sugar and sweets can be as addictive as cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol. Sugar can be as difficult to give up as these health-damaging addictions.
Physiologically, sugar and sweets excite the same circuits in your brain that are stimulated by pleasure-inducing drugs, giving you a mild and short-lived high.
The immune system is immobilized and the body pulls nutrients to digest sugar, placing a heavy burden on the pancreas, liver, and entire body. It creates physical, mental and emotional problems.
The average North American consumes 153 pounds of sugar per year.
One can of soda pop contains approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar.
Six teaspoons of sugar lowers the immune system 25% for 12 hours.
Fifteen teaspoons of sugar lowers the immune system 95% for 12 hours
Sugar causes the pancreas to malfunction, leading to hypoglycemia, diabetes, and mood swings.
Artificial sweeteners are as dangerous as sugar.
How do I know all this? Because I have lived it!
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