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Eating for a Healthy Lifestyle > Is your Microwave a Health Hazard?

Microwave Cooking

Have you ever wondered if Microwave Cooking is good for you or not?

Seeds That Receive Microwaved Water Won't Sprout

Try this experiment - Plant seeds in two pots.  Water one pot with water that has been microwaved, the other with regular tap water. The seeds that received the microwaved water won't sprout. If microwaved water can stop plants from growing, think of what microwaved food can do to your health! 
I think that one of the greatest detriments to health is microwave cooking. I personally do not own a microwave oven and I do not eat anything heated in a microwave. 
Microwave ovens are everywhere -- in our homes, workplaces, fast food outlets, and even in health food restaurants. 
Research shows that microwave-cooked, or microwave-heated, food has serious molecular damage. This really makes sense when you think that Atoms, Molecules and Cells are 
bombarded with the electromagnetic radiation - and are forced to reverse polarity 1 billion to 100 billion times a second. This is a very destructive power -- the structures of molecules are torn apart and the molecules are deformed. 

In a study by Swiss Food Scientist Hans Hertel, it was confirmed that cells are actually broken, thereby neutralizing the electrical potentials - THE VERY LIFE OF THE CELLS - between the outer and inner sides of the cell membranes. Does that sound like something you would want to eat? 
There was a lawsuit in 1991 in Oklahoma. A woman named Norma Levitt had hip surgery, but was killed by a simple blood transfusion when a nurse "warmed the blood for the transfusion in a microwave oven!" 
The University of Minnesota reported: "Microwaves...are not recommended for heating a baby's bottle. The bottle may seem cool to the touch, but the liquid inside may become extremely hot and could burn the baby's mouth and throat... Heating the bottle in a microwave oven can cause slight changes in the milk. In infant milk, some protective properties may be destroyed... Warming a bottle by holding it under tap water or by setting it in a bowl of warm water, then testing it on your wrist before feeding, may take a few minutes longer, but it is much safer." 
Other information which I have gathered shows:

1. Microwaved foods lose 60% to 90% of the vital-energy field and microwaving accelerates the structural disintegration of foods. 

2. Microwaving creates cancer-causing agents within milk and cereals. 

3. Microwaving alters elemental food-substances, causing digestive disorders

4. Microwaving alters the breakdown of elemental substances when raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables were exposed for even a very short time, and free radicals are formed. 

5. Microwaved foods can cause stomach and intestinal degeneration

6. Microwaved foods lower the body's ability to utilize B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics. 
So, based on this information, if even one person has their awareness raised, and discontinues using their microwave ovens, I'll be happy -- because this is one of the easiest things to change in our daily lifestyle -- on our path to Vibrant Health. 

If you would like to know more about the whole food concentrate nutritional products I have eaten for 9 years, please Contact me  or  Subscribe to Diana's Healthy Lifestyles here.

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Diana Walker, Cravings Coach